The European Commission notified the World Trade Organisation (WTO) with the draft regulations regarding renewal approval of fungicide captan.
According to the draft Commission Implementing Regulation, captan will be approved for 15 years, effective from 1 March 2023, and expire on 28 February 2038.
According to the Commission, captan will be approved only for use in greenhouses, with the obligation that they remain closed from the time of application until harvest, may be authorised.
For the implementation of the uniform principles, as referred to in Article 29(6) of Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009, the conclusions of the renewal report on captan, and in particular Appendices I and II thereto, shall be taken into account.
In this overall assessment, the EU Member States shall pay particular attention to:
– the compliance of the technical specification of the active substance contained in the plant protection product for which applications for authorisation are submitted;
– the protection of workers ensuring that conditions of use include the application of adequate personal protective equipment.
The applicant shall submit to the Commission, the Member States and the Authority confirmatory information as regards the effect of water treatment processes on the nature of residues present in drinking water, within two years after adoption of a guidance document on evaluation of the effect of water treatment processes on the nature of residues present in surface and groundwater.